Poster Process


Because this assignment is purely typographic, I began by looking for examples of typography-based posters. I chose the "Visiting Designers Lecture Series" content package, so I was looking for designs that were both functional and artistic. Pinterest was my source for inspiration, and I found that the designs which used bold colour and large, sans-serif fonts were my favourite.

Pinterest Board


I used Figma to create some rough layouts based on the designs I liked. I used Helvetica as a base for a sans-serif and played with horizontal and vertical layouts. I ended up with these two designs. Though the grid nature of the second design was interesting, I decided that the first design was cleaner and left more opportunity for later text animations.

Figma Layouts Figma Layouts
Figma Layouts

Colour Scheme

After I had chosen my preferred design, I looked for a good colour palette. Because this project is purely typographic, I knew that colour would play an important role. I wanted a palette that reminded me of painting swatches to help invoke the feeling of "designers". I used the colours from this palette and started experimenting with placement (keeping in mind hyperlink hovering and other text animations that might impact this).

Colour Palette Figma Layout with Colour Figma Layout with Colour
Colour Palettes


Finally, it was time to take the design to code. I began by just laying out the type hierarchy and then gradually adding the styling and positioning. It quickly became clear that the design I had on Figma wasn't translating to the web very successfully. I had designed for the viewer to see the entirety of the poster at once, but a browser wasn't showing that, and so my most important piece of type ("Visiting Designers") was getting lost.

Figma to Web
Figma to Web


I decided to go back to Figma and see if I could fix this problem, keeping in mind what would look best for the web. Though I really liked the dynamic nature of the vertical text, it was simply too large for it to work. Once I switched it back horizontally, it was immediately more readable. With this change came a lot of white space below the header, so I decided to enlarge the logo of the school to make it more of an element. I also noticed that the type in the paragraphs was small and difficult to read, but I liked the placement, so I decided to animate it so that when you hover it enlarges.

New Figma Design
New Figma Design

Final Outcome

Once I figured out my design placement, all that was left to do was decide on colouring and animations. I decided that a good way to have the feeling of a full colour palette being displayed was a gradient, so I made my title a gradient animation. I had intended for the design to have a white background, but during the process I changed it to black. Though I think the white design is cleaner and usually what I would choose, the black background made my type stand out and was more interesting. I decided that because the content package was about design, I would go with the webpage that was more visually striking. Overall, I am happy with the outcome.

CSS Mistakes CSS Mistakes
White and Black Background Versions